Dance Studio Cleaning

Make your Dance Classes Better with our Commercial Cleaning Services

If you want students to enter your door, you must have a presentable dance studio to offer which is only possible with our commercial cleaning services.

Wherever you go, the ambiance of the place matters. What if you visit a restaurant and see spools of hair lying around the corner of the counter? Would you feel like eating there?

Similarly, your student is your customer and if your customer spots any lacking in the cleaning and maintenance of the studio, they will be running out that door in a second!

My Park City Cleaning is here to provide you with the best commercial cleaning services for your studio!

How Often Should You Clean Your Dance Studio?

If you’re running a successful dance studio, you already have some policies and procedures for its maintenance. For instance, no shoe policy, no smoking policy, no food and drinks inside policy, etc. 

Along with these, there are some cleaning and maintenance protocols as well. For example, how often a deep clean will be done, timings, duration of the deep clean, how many people are going to clean, etc. 

Moreover, to keep your studio safe from any bacteria or germs, you should clean it daily. Whereas, deep cleaning should be done weekly. But, if you’re not following this pattern, then you seriously need some professional company cleaning to help you. 

We, at Park City Cleaning, aim to provide you with healthy and safe spaces to operate from. We help our clients keep their dance studios well-maintained. We offer cleaning of the mirrors and floors twice or thrice a week to keep your place shining all the time!

How clean is your studio now?

Let’s think of it this way—your dance studio is your space and it represents what you’re selling. If it isn’t appealing on the outside, those customers are not going to come back!

If you’re not sure whether your studio’s cleaning is at par, then ask yourself these few questions:

  • Do I mop, sweep, and sanitize the studio every day?
  • Are there daily inspections of the bathrooms, the dressing rooms, the floor, the entrance, etc.?
  • Are the props regularly cleaned and sanitized?
  • Is my studio well-organized and pleasant to look at?
  • Would people like how the studio smells?

These five questions are enough to determine whether your studio is clean. If the answers are no, then you are in need of some commercial cleaning services.

We offer cleaning and disinfecting services for your dance studio that will make your place spotless and completely free of any bacteria chilling on that floor! Whether it’s the winter grime or the summer mold, we have got you covered!

Not Having a Clean Studio is Hurting Your Business

If your studio isn’t clean, you’re probably losing clients. Here are a few reasons why not having a clean studio is keeping your business from growing:

  • Shorter Customer RetentionYour customers won’t likely be satisfied and will leave after a while leading to greater client acquisition costs and lower customer lifetime value (CLV).
  • No ReferralsOnly satisfied and happy customers give referrals, and customers in a dirty environment are neither happy nor satisfied. Without a clean studio, you won’t get referrals.
  • More Money on PropsIf your props are cleaned and well-maintained, you can use them for a longer period. This ultimately translates to more uses/$—decreasing the cost per use.
  • Potential Health HazardsIs the floor not cleaned? Your students could slip on the floor and potentially hurt themselves. Not only will this cost you a student but will also hurt your credibility and reputation.
  • No Mental PeaceEven if your students don’t leave your studio, they won’t exactly enjoy the process, and neither will you feel confident and clear about your studio.

These are just a few reasons for getting commercial cleaning for your dance studio to keep it top-notch. There are more but you get the gist, right? 

How Will We Help You Keep Your Studio Clean?

Now that you know how important it is to keep your studio fresh and pleasant, let’s talk about how we can help your studio get that pleasant vibe. 

Our sole purpose is to provide you with a safe space to carry out your work and we use only the best cleaning products for your floors, mirrors, props, mats, bathrooms, office, and everything else!

We will give your dance studio a pleasant and professional look to get those customers rushing in that door! Other than the basic mopping and sweeping, we will vacuum the acro mats, the lobby, and the main entrance, and clean the dance props, tabletops, and shelves. 

Moreover, we clean the bathrooms which would include disinfecting the toilets, mirrors, urinals, and sinks. We scrub and mop the floors, sinks, and bathroom stalls, and polish them as well.

If you have got waxed floors, we have got something for that too—we offer cleaning and buffing of the waxed floors which will keep them squeaky clean every day!

Lastly, we also offer trash cleaning services i.e. emptying and cleaning trashcans twice or thrice a week.


If you wish to keep your dance studio the top choice of your customers, call us now at (385) 499-9929 to get our commercial cleaning services, and book yourself an appointment with our cleaning crew.

We will give you the best estimate for the services and you will get the best prices here at Park City Cleaning!

Mon-Sat: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
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